Welcome! We had a bunch of issues with backups lately so I decided to upload world files to a central repository,this way backups exist safely, and people can download the worlds when the server is offline, and ask to merge it with the main server files (acceptance will be a case by case process.)
this will also make it possible for people to request features, submit bug reports.
Here ill tell you how this whole thing works if you are new to Github.
Okay so when it comes down to backups, every night (whenever I go to bed), a backup is created. At the same time I will create what Github calls a Release, the release section can be viewed on the right side of the main page
To go there now Click Me.
If youd like to report a bug, player, or request for a feature, then we use the Issue tracker, all you do is hit “new” and type away what youd like, now be sure to click on “Labels” on the right side, and select all that apply to your report.
Click Here to create a new issue
And here to view an example issue